Insurance Coverage Appraisals
Insurance Appraisals are based upon a full Retail Replacement Value (“the amount it would cost to replace an item with one of similar and like quality purchased in the most appropriate marketplace within a limited amount of time.” —Appraisers Association of America, Inc.) In order to protect your property from loss by fire, theft, and damage, etc, an insurance appraisal is necessary. Our appraisal will provide your insurance carrier with a full and accurate catalogue description and photographs of your personal property. This facilitates claim settlements by providing detailed inventories and itemized replacement costs.
Estate and Probate Appraisals
Anubis Appraisal and Estate Services, Inc. provides estate appraisals for probate, estate planning, and family equal division. Our estate appraisals are based upon the comparable market data approach and Fair Market Values(“the price that property would sell for on an open market between a willing buyer and a willing seller with neither being required to act, and both having reasonable knowledge of the relevant facts”—Appraisers Association of America, Inc.). Our estate and probate appraisals comply with the standards and guidelines put forth by the Federal Treasury Regulations and the Internal Revenue Service.
Loss/Claim Damage Appraisals
Required by an insurance provider, a Damage Appraisal determines replacement costs for total or partial damage to property. A Damage Appraisal includes factors such as the property’s original value, any necessary restoration fees, and the value of the property after it has been restored. Anubis Appraisal and Estate Services, Inc. works with insurance companies, moving companies, as well as claimants.
Divorce and Equitable Distribution Appraisals
Equitable Distribution Appraisals, which are based on fair market value or marketable cash value, are often used for distributing property in divorce settlements. These appraisals can also benefit clients wishing to distribute antiques and family heirlooms among their children or distribute items to various members of an estate. 
Donation and Charitable Donation Appraisals
When donating property that exceeds $5,000, it is required by the Internal Revenue Service to submit a professional appraisal summary with your tax return. Anubis Appraisal and Estate Services will prepare a precise and comprehensive report that will ensure that you, as the donor, will receive a full tax deduction from the IRS.