Estate and Probate Appraisals

Anubis Appraisal and Estate Services, Inc. provides estate appraisals for probate, estate planning, and family equal division. Our estate appraisals are based upon the comparable market data approach and Fair Market Values(“the price that property would sell for on an open market between a willing buyer and a willing seller with neither being required to act, and both having reasonable knowledge of the relevant facts”—Appraisers Association of America, Inc.). Our estate and probate appraisals comply with the standards and guidelines put forth by the Federal Treasury Regulations and the Internal Revenue Service.

Fair Market Value Appraisals reflect the realistic resale value of property from a willing seller to a willing buyer, with both parties having a general knowledge of the market. Fair Market Value Appraisals are often done for estate tax purposes, pre-estate planning, equitable distribution, or tax deductible donations.


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